Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well here goes one of my first interviews thanks to the awesome people at GroundedTV It's a weird feeling to talk about my work but hopefully there's something in my answers that you'll get something out of. Let me know what you think!

Read the interview here

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Trying New Things

Not there yet but I think these two pieces are leading up to a new direction for my work. I'll let you know when it's there : P

Here's an amazing video and song from Mr J Medeiros(one of the artists that was on The Find Cover I illustrated)

And I've been super addicted to this song as well. Actually the whole album should be heard by everyone... super tight production. I swear local hip hop is so much better than they get credit for.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Find Magazine

If you're into quality music, art and interviews make sure to check out The Find Magazine's new site. I designed the header graphic for them as well as a cover for one of their past issues.

click on image for link

Here's the issue with my cover